
Reynolds number:
Reynolds number describe the type of flow.If Reynolds number is too high then flow is called turbulent flow and Reynolds is low then flow is called laminar flow .
Reynolds number is a dimensionless number.Reynolds number given is the ratio of inertia force to the viscous force.

For plate can be given as

Where ρ is the density of fluid , v is the average velocity of fluid and μ is the dynamic viscosity of fluid.
Flow on plate is a external flow .The values of Reynolds number for different flow given as

- Steady state.
- Air as working fluid.
- Ideal gas.
- Reversible process.
- Ideal Otto Cycle.
Otto cycle is a thermodynamic cycle widely used in automobile engines, in which an amount of gas (air) experiences changes of pressure, temperature, volume, addition of heat, and removal of heat. The cycle is composed by (following the P-V diagram):
- Intake <em>0-1</em>: the mass of working fluid is drawn into the piston at a constant pressure.
- Adiabatic compression <em>1-2</em>: the mass of working fluid is compressed isentropically from State 1 to State 2 through compression ratio (r).

- Ignition 2-3: the volume remains constant while heat is added to the mass of gas.
- Expansion 3-4: the working fluid does work on the piston due to the high pressure within it, thus the working fluid reaches the maximum volume through the compression ratio.

- Heat Rejection 4-1: heat is removed from the working fluid as the pressure drops instantaneously.
- Exhaust 1-0: the working fluid is vented to the atmosphere.
If the system produces enough work, the automobile and its occupants will propel. On the other hand, the efficiency of the Otto Cycle is defined as follows:


Ideal air is the working fluid, as stated before, for which its specific heat ratio can be considered constant.

See image attached.

For pressure gage we can determine this by saying:
The closed tank with oil and air has a pressure of P₁ and the pressure of oil at a certain height in the U-tube on mercury is p₁gh₁. The pressure of mercury on the air in pressure gauge is p₂gh₂. The pressure of the gage is P₂.

We want to work out P₁-P₂: Heights aren't given so we can solve it in terms of height: assuming h₁=h₂=h