the same with that of products
In a chemical reaction, the total charge of the reactants must be the same with that of products.
Charges must be conserved or balanced in chemical reactions.
- In both acidic and basic/neutral medium electrons are used to balance the charge.
- The appropriate number of electrons is added to the side with a larger charge.
- One electron is used to balance each positive charge.
- This ensures that the sum of charges on both sides the same.
Learn more:
Balanced equation
Light waves slow down as they travel from gas to solid.
The speed of light is often quoted with reference to a vacuum. Light travels fastest in a vacuum and in a gas.
When light travels through other media such as solids or liquids, the speed of light is decreased due to absorption and scattering of photons by molecules as well as remissions.
Hence the speed of light decreases from gas to solid.
The material with higher modulus will stretch less than
The material with lower modulus
A material with a higher modulus is stiffer and has better resistance to deformation. The modulus is defined as the force per unit area required to produce a deformation or in other words the ratio of stress to strain.
E= stress/stain
Hooks law states that provided the elastic limit is not exceeded the extension e of a spring is directly proportional to the load or force attached
Where k is the constant which gives the measure of the spring under tension
Nowadays most of our works are being done through different types of energy which are non-renewable. People are wasting lot of energy (hydel, dolar etc.) due to which in future we can face energy crisis.