To understand this concept it is necessary to understand Newton's Second Law
According to Newtons Second law applied force is equal to rate of change of momentum of a body.

is rate of change of momentum with respect to time
It means If two eggs fall from same height,one on softer surface and other on hard surface that time the momentum of both eggs will remain equal at both the surfaces. But, impact time will be different. On hard surface egg will stop almost instantly so impact time will be small and hence the force on egg will be large therefore the egg will breakup.
On the other hand on the soft surface like a cotton, egg will not stop instantly but it will slow down for a few seconds and then stop due to which the time of impact will increase. Therefore the force on egg will be less and it won't break up.
1946 ft
The distance is the addition of the distance gotten from both triangles.
d = x + y
d = 1178 ft + 768 ft
d = 1946 ft
Attached is a picture showing how I arrived at the answer
Sound waves are changes in pressure generated by vibrating molecules. The physical characteristics of sound waves influence the three psychological features of sound: loudness, pitch, and timbre. Loudness depends on the amplitude,or height, of sound waves. The greater the amplitude, the louder the sound perceived.
85 decibels or higher can cause damage to the human ear.
Decibels is the value of the measurement of sound. Hearing loss can be caused
by noise coming from a loud sound. Noise induced hearing loss maybe permanent
loss or temporary loss. Examples of activities that can give you a noise induced
hearing loss is target shooting, listening to music in your earphones that have
a high volume, and using lawnmowers.