Total pressure increased
When gas C is added in the vessel then number of mole increases and number of collision depends on the number of molecules present in the vessel and on adding gas C ,mole also increases hence number of collision increases therefore pressure also increases because number of collision increases.
Total pressure increases.
Electron was discovered by J. J. Thomson in 1897 when he was studying the properties of cathode ray.
La respuestas de lo que descirbiste es 18.02 gramos
Pitch is sometimes defined as the fundamental frequency of a sound wave. For most practical purposes, this is fine, and pitch and frequency can be thought of as equivalent. On the other hand, for most practical purposes, amplitude can be thought of as volume.
However, technically, pitch and volume are human perceptions. Thus, our perception of pitch and volume are not solely based on frequency and amplitude respectively, but are based on a combination of both. Frequency overwhelming dictates perceived pitch, but amplitude also does have some small, small effect on our pitch perception, especially when it is very large. For example, a very loud sound can have a different perceived pitch than you would predict from its frequency alone.
Hope that helps!