Okay well simply drop it from one inch on to the ground and it won't break and you could put it into a basket with bubble wrap.
Well if you wrap the egg into bubble wrap a few times them put it into a basket (its your choice) then it won't break because the bubble wrap will just pop a few times but sometimes it depends on where you are dropping it from.
Have a blessed day bye! ;)
Shielding effect being attendency of the inner electrons to repel the outermost electrons, an increase in shielding effect increases atomic radius and decrease reduces the atomic radius
An atom can be considered unstable in one or two ways. If it pickes up or loses an electron,it becomes electrically charged and highly reactive.Intabability can also occur in the nucleus when the number of protons and neutrons is unbalanced.
Jesus loves you !! Repent today and turn away from your sins Thanks