The maximum height a person's brain could be above his heart is: 1.28 meter.
We need to know what is the normal blood pressure ours hearts so there is a rate: 120/80 (mmHg) and the average will be: 100 (mmHg) and using the Pascal law that relate pressure, density, gravity and height like:
, where P is pressure, p is density, g is the gravity acceleration and h is the height. Now we can find the height and delta of pressure will be: P2-P1 = 100 (mmHg), knowing that 1(mmHg) is equal to 133 Pa, we can do the convertion to 13332.2 (Pa), now because the units of Pascal are Newton/(meter^2). Then we solve the formula to get the height:
so we get:
I believe Cuba and the Bahamas.
To find out how much work he has done, we must first calculate force using the force formula (F= Mass*Acceleration). In this case, mass is 79.4 and acceleration is the gravitational constant of 9.8m/s, plugging this into the formula we find that force is 778.12Newtons. Next, we need to multiply force by the distance to get the amount of energy used to lift his partner once. Which is 778.12 * .945 = 735.32. Finally, we need to multiply 735.32 by the number of times he lifts his partner, 33, to get 735.32 * 33 to find that the energy he has expended 24,265.56 Joules of energy.
<span>Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of animals, plants, and other organisms from the remote past. The totality of fossils, both discovered and undiscovered, and their placement in fossiliferous (fossil-containing) rock formations and sedimentary layers (strata) is known as the fossil record</span>
Say a 14 year old girl was at a construction site and she was asked to move something like a 10,000 pound brick( one brick). She would be acting on it as the unbalanced force but they would still not change their position.
so to say the girl would be doing everything she could to move that brick but the brick would still be in that same spot so the unbalanced force (the girl) would be acting on the thing that was at rest but it wouldn't move.
so the unbalanced force would not really be acting on the thing at rest; even though the unbalanced force was doing something to the brick.
( just think about it and you will eventually get it...just imagine in your head...)