Physical properties describe how a material looks. such as color, state of matter, shininess, Other physical properties include density, mp, bp, brittleness, malleability, conductivity, ductility, solubility in water. A physical property can be determined without changing the identity of the material.
Chemical properties describe how a material behaves.such as does it burn, does it corrode, does it react with air, does it react with water, does it act like a metal by giving away electrons o like a nonmetal by taking electrons, what type of bonds will it form, or is it inert, is it acidic or basic, Chemical properties can only be determined during a chemical reaction.
As far as I can tell the best answer for this would be (A) Neon. However, I would argue that this is at the very least a misleading question. Atoms are less identified by their electrons than their protons (which is represented always by its atomic number). Although atoms can gain or lose electrons, the protons would never change (and remain the same element). Personally, I would have written the question as, "When Magnesium loses its valence electrons, its new number of electrons would most closely resemble _____"
I believe it's a proportion of volume over temperature = volume and temperature. cross multiply and divide and see what u get. if it looks right go fro it if not try something else. I hope this helps!