Explanation: Hydrocarbons are the compounds which contain only carbon and hydrogen as their constituent elements. These are considered to be as the non polar species as because of the less electronegativity difference between the two components.
Now as it is a non polar species thus it will dissolve only a non polar solute following the principle of 'Like dissolves Like'. Thus the most non polar species given in the options is pentane. Cyclohexane will definitely dissolve this pentane as both are non polar in nature.
, HI and NaBr are polar specie which cannot be dissolved in non polar species.
As we move down the group, the metallic bond becomes more stable and the formation of forming covalent bond decreases down the group due to the large size of elements.
Covalent and metallic bonding leads to higher melting points. Due to a decrease in attractive forces from carbon to lead there is a drop in melting point.
Carbon forms large covalent molecules than silicon and hence has a higher melting point than silicon.
Similarly, Ge also forms a large number of covalent bonds and has a smaller size as compared to that of Sn. Hence melting point decreases from Ge to Sn.
The order will be C>Si>Ge>Pb>Sn.
To learn more about the covalent bond, visit:
BRASS :It is easy to form into various shapes, a good conductor of heat, and generally resistant to corrosion from salt water. 1 pipes and 2 tubes, 3 screws, 4 cartridge casings for firearms.
BRONZE :for bearings because of its friction properties, and as 1 musical instruments ,2 and medals
Sulphur :1 making car batteries, 2 fertilizer
IODINE :1 Iodine regulates skin moisture levels and aids in the healing of cuts and scars through cellular regeneration. 2 Iodine also regulates the hormones responsible for acne breakouts.3 Treating thyroid cancer.