The answer is the atomic mass.
The correct answer would be - observing with the help of five senses.
To find and describe the physical properties of the given substance or the solution or liquid students can observe using their five senses. By looking at the liquid one can find its state and color, by smelling students can find the odor of the sample, by touching it one can observe and describe the texture.
Fluidity can also be measure by the touch if the solution is viscous or free-floating. By using a thermometer and using a graduated cylinder one can find the temperature at room temperature and the weight of substance respectively.
5 electron groups, see saw
During the formation of SF4, the sulfur atom usually bonds with each of four fluorine atoms where 8 of valence electrons are used. The four fluorine atoms have 3 lone pairs of electrons in its octet which will further utilize 24 valence electrons. In addition, two electrons are present as a lone pair on the sulfur atom. We can determine sulfur’s hybridization state by counting of the number of regions of electron density on sulphur (the central atom in the molecule). When bonding takes place there is a formation of 4 single bonds to sulfur and it has 1 lone pair. Looking at this, we can say that the number of regions of electron density is 5. The hybridization state is sp3d.
SF4 molecular geometry is seesaw with one pair of valence electrons. The molecule is polar. The equatorial fluorine atoms have 102° bond angles instead of the actual 120° angle. The axial fluorine atom angle is 173° instead of the actual 180° bond angle.
Almost all catalysts work by lowering the activation energy of the reaction with no change in the free energy of the reaction
- So in this case we can say that palladium reduce automobile pollution by catalyzing the reaction between un-burned hydrocarbons and oxygen :
D. by decreasing the activation energy