all colours are absorbed except for the colour of the filter.
When white light passes through a coloured filter, all colours are absorbed except for the colour of the filter. For example, an orange filter transmits orange light but absorbs all the other colours. If white light is shone on an orange filter, only the orange wavelengths will be observed by the human eye.
Option c. Inter-rater Reliability
Here, the rating is done by a group of data collectors under training for evaluation children's pain on Faces scale which is a scale ranging from 0 to 10 with different expressions or faces with a happy face at 0 to a crying face at 10.
Also in Inter-rater Reliability, the relative consistency of a study or test is assessed and the extent to which different group members rated the same behavior, the consistency of which is evaluated.
Thus it can also be helpful in interviews, etc.
B.The box experiences less friction on the marble floor