Answer: The option that represents the chemical properties of Hydrogen gas is A (It explodes with a flame.)
Explanation: Hydrogen gas is the lightest of all gases and the most abundant element in the universe. It's physical and chemical properties are the characteristics that distinguishes it from any other substance.
chemical properties of Hydrogen are the characteristics that determine how it will react with other substances or change from one substance to another. They include:
-It burns in air or oxygen to produce water.
-When mixed with air it can spontaneously explode by spark, flame or sunlight. I hope this helps. thanks.
Answer: During winter the Northern Hemisphere leans away from the sun, there are fewer daylight hours and the sun hits us at an angle. This makes it appear lower in the sky. In equatorial regions the length of days and the directness of sunlight don't change as much.
Hope this helps :)
It's an example of a molecule
s - orbitals have a spherical symmetry and the probability of finding an electron in an s orbital is equal for equal distance in x, y or z direction. i mean the probability of lets say an electron found at a distance 10 units from nuclues, its value will be same for x, y and z when u go 10 units distnace from nucleus in these directions. then the value at 5 units would be some value which also would be same for x,y and z.
Easier explanation is that if u place a ball, can u tell towards which axis it is oriented? no, its equally in all directions. So, non- directional.
However, if you have p- orbitals like dumb bells, a dumb bell can be oriented in three different directions, either x or y or z. see the pics.