Answer: Belongs to the group 2A
As you can see, the first two ionization energies are close and low, meaning that this element ionizates easily.
Not only loses easily the first electron, but the second too
To remove the third electron you requiered a huge amount of energy
Now, elements easily ionizable are the ones from group IA, group 2A and transition metals.
The last ones have mixed characteristics in matter of how many electrons you can remove from them, so they are not a family.
Now the question: group I or group II ?
The elements of group I have low ionization energies for the first electron but high energies for the second ones.
Being all that said, the unknown element belongs to the Group 2A
Slow chemical change
It is a chemical change because the erosion is due to the chemical reaction between the acid and the in the rain and the calcium carbonate.
It is slow due to the concentration of acid is low.
Answer: Answer:
"The arrangement of atoms or ions in a crystal " is described by the terms body-centered cubic and face-centered cubic.
Face centred cubic system explains the crystal structure where an atom is present at each cubic corner of the crystal and the centre of each cube face. Meaningfully, a closed packed plane where at each "face of the cube" atoms touch the alongside face diagonals.
Whereas in body centric cube system has the lattice point present at the 8 corners of cell and an additional one at the center of the cell. Thus, both explains how the atom or ions are placed or arranged in a crystal.
Explanation: Hope this helps :)
A cell is the structural and fundamental unit of life. The study of cells from its basic structure to the functions of every cell organelle is called Cell Biology. Robert Hooke was the first Biologist who discovered cells
two types of cell
1) Prokaryotes
2) Eukaryotes
Characteristics of Cells
1) Cells provide structure and support to the body of an organism.
2) The cell interior is organised into different individual organelles surrounded by a separate membrane.
3) The nucleus (major organelle) holds genetic information necessary for reproduction and cell growth