There are many combinations because it is not all about the number of chemicals, but also about the size of the strand. The longer the strand the more combinations there are and more variations and various lengths provide various results.
C, P, P, C, P
is it still the same thing but the physical property change or did the thing change too? that's what it's asking
It will have traveled 0.78 m. You find this by multiplying .013 by 60
Other substances that give a positive test with AgNO3 are other chlorides present, iodides and bromide. However iodides and bromides have different colours hence they will not give a false positive test for KCl. Other chlorides present may lead to a false positive test for KCl.
In the qualitative determination of halogen ions, silver nitrate solution is used. Various halide ions give various colours of precipitate with silver nitrate. Chlorides yield a white precipitate, bromides yield a cream precipitate while iodides yield a yellow precipitate. All these ions or some of them may be present in the system.
However, if other chlorides are present, they will also yield a white precipitate just as KCl leading to a false positive test for KCl. Since other halogen ions yield precipitates of different colours, they don't lead to a false test for KCl. We can exclude other halides from the tendency to lead us to a false positive test for KCl but not other chlorides.
I don't know but I think that 0.02 g/mL is 20 g/L because you multiply the 0.02 by a 100. That's how you get the Gram liter