molecule, a group of two or more atoms that form the smallest identifiable unit into which a pure substance
You would know that the variable is quantitative if it shows any number to express the quantity. For example, quantitative variables are 50°C, 5 atm, 2 moles, 100 L and so on. A variable is qualitative if it expresses a relative quantity but not expressing a number. Examples would be: few, too hot, several, or even describing the characteristics of a variable. Hence, when the variable is in grams, then that would be quantitative.
Inorganic chemicals are present both in ground and surface water. Inorganic chemicals are found in soil from which they may contaminate runoff and eventual find their way into surface water bodies. Also, inorganic ions may be leached into underground aquifers and contaminate or underground water .
In response to your question, the kind of energy the skier has is called potential energy.