Hey there you see ethonol i beliive is a corn based fuel and scientists are saying that it is more healthy for are invirment but not 100% green.however this fuel is not a renewable resource it is still widely abundent because we have corn felids. but i think it is not the smartest investment because if we have a big storm or cropos wont grow anymor than we would not have cars therfore limiting transportationn which setting a huge deppresion. gkad you asked i hads something simmilar to this on my ssvec assignment
For an arrangement of electrons to be nonpolar in a molecule they need to have equal electron charges.
they are named like electron group geometry
do not know how to type a Lewis dot diagram
Analizar da a entender que se aprecia algo detenidamente para buscar una respuesta a una incógnita.
Interpretar da a entender que se da mención de x cosa de acuerdo a lo que uno sabe de dicha cosa.