You are mostly correcet but im pretty sure that the nonmetals are brittle because they can break easily
All three lighter boron trihalides, BX3 (X = F, Cl, Br), form stable adducts with common Lewis bases. Their relative Lewis acidities can be evaluated in terms of the relative exothermicities of the adduct-forming reaction. Such measurements have revealed the following sequence for the Lewis acidity: BF3 < BCl3 < BBr3 (in other words, BBr3 is the strongest Lewis acid).
This trend is commonly attributed to the degree of π-bonding in the planar boron trihalide that would be lost upon pyramidalization (the conversion of the trigonal planar geometry to a tetrahedral one) of the BX3 molecule, which follows this trend: BF3 > BCl3 > BBr3 (that is, BBr3 is the most easily pyramidalized). The criteria for evaluating the relative strength of π-bonding are not clear, however. One suggestion is that the F atom is small compared to the larger Cl and Br atoms, and the lone pair electron in the 2pzorbital of F is readily and easily donated, and overlaps with the empty 2pz orbital of boron. As a result, the [latex]\pi[/latex] donation of F is greater than that of Cl or Br. In an alternative explanation, the low Lewis acidity for BF3 is attributed to the relative weakness of the bond in the adducts F3B-L.
There are things called "Reactants" and "Products" All chemical equations look something like "A + B →C (+ D...)," in which each letter variable is an element or a molecule (a collection of atoms held together by chemical bonds). The arrow represents the reaction or change taking place. Some equations may have a double-headed arrow (↔), which indicates that the reaction can proceed either forward or backward. When a compound has been written out, you must identify the elements and know their chemical symbols. The first element written is “first name” of the compound. Use the periodic table to find the chemical symbol for the element. So here is an example: Dinitrogen hexafluoride. The first element is nitrogen and the chemical symbol for nitrogen is N. To know the numbers of atoms that are present for each element you can just look at the prefix from the element For example: Dinitrogen has a the prefix “di-“ which means 2; therefore, there are 2 atoms of nitrogen present.
Write dinitrogen as N2.
Now for the second element or "last name" of the compound whatever will follow the first element so like; Dinitrogen hexafluoride. The second element is fluorine. Simply replace the “ide” ending with the actual element name. The chemical symbol for fluorine is F.
But the more you practice with, the easier it will be to decipher chemical formulas in the future and learn the language of chemistry.
Sulfur dioxide: SO2
Carbon tetrabromide: CBr4
Diphosphorus pentoxide: P2O5 ← That is one of the examples I'll give you.
have a gooooood daaaaayy
1 mole of N2 produces 2 moles of NH3
14 x 2 grams of N2 produces 2(14 +3) grams of NH3
1 gram of N2 produces 34/28 grams of NH3
therefore, 56 grams produce (34/28 )x 56 =68 grams of NH3
the answer thus would be 68 grams of NH3