If it;s a good insulator, there'll be no heat transfer warm to cold. So, over time, given the insulation ... nothing should happen ...
Reproducible is the term where your answers are similar to other groups. If every other group has similar results as yours (only if you use the same measurements) your results are reproducible. If your results are different to every other group your results aren't reproducible. <span />
It’s none of those because it’s moving at a constant rate
<span>If 1 eighth equals 1 billion 7 eighth equals 7 billion.
The asker of the second question needs a tutorial in radiometric dating. There is little likelihood that the daughter isotope has the same atomic weight as the parent isotope. To measure the mass isotopes doesn't tell us how many atoms of each exist. To get around that let's pretend — which will likely serve the purpose ineptly intended — that the values give an the particle ratio, 125:875.
The original parent isotope count was 125 + 875 = 1000. The remaining parent isotope is 125/1000 or 1/8. 1/8 = (1/2)^h, where h is the number of half-lives.
h = log (1/8) ÷ log(1/2) = 3
And 3 half-lives • 150,000 years/half-life = 450,000 years.</span>