<h2>Thyroid is common cold which is treated at home , You should consult to a doctor ....</h2>
Yes, the velocity of the object can reverse direction when its acceleration is constant. For example consider that the velocity of any object at any time t is given as: ... At At t = 0 sec, the magnitude of velocity is 2m/s and is moving in the forward direction i.e.v (t) = -2.
Three types of thermal expansion are linear expansion,s superficial expansion,cubical expansion
1. True WA > WB > WC
In this exercise they give work for several different configurations and ask that we show the relationship between them, the best way to do this is to calculate each work separately.
A) Work is the product of force by distance and the cosine of the angle between them
WA = W h cos 0
WA = mg h
B) On a ramp without rubbing
Sin30 = h / L
L = h / sin 30
WB = F d cos θ
WB = F L cos 30
WB = mf (h / sin30) cos 30
WB = mg h ctan 30
C) Ramp with rubbing
W sin 30 - fr = ma
N- Wcos30 = 0
W sin 30 - μ W cos 30 = ma
F = W (sin30 - μ cos30)
WC = mg (sin30 - μ cos30) h / sin30
Wc = mg (1 - μ ctan30) h
When we review the affirmation it is the work where there is rubbing is the smallest and the work where it comes in free fall at the maximum
Let's review the claims
1. True The work of gravity is the greatest and the work where there is friction is the least
2 False. The job where there is friction is the least
3 False work with rubbing is the least
4 False work with rubbing is the least