<u>1. Have many moons:</u>
- Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the biggest in the Solar System and it has fifty-three moons which are confirmed and twenty-six provisional moons and totally it has seventy-nine moons and it is the only planet which has many moons.
<u>2. Have a rocky composition:</u>
- The planets which have rocky composition are also called the terrestrial planets.
- The planets which have rocky composition are listed below mercury, venus, earth, and mars and they are smaller in size.
<u>3. Revolve quickly around the Sun: </u>
- Mercury is the quickest planet, which rushes around the sun at 47.87 km/s. And it revolves around the sun quickly.
<u> 4. Rotate quickly on their axes: </u>
- The giant gas planets like Jupiter, Saturn, etc... spin more quickly on their axes than the other planets
It is C 2 1 2 1
You have to 1st balance the nitrates then balance the silvers to get the coefficients
★ Molecular geometry is described by VSEPR theory, which basically states that electron pairs around a central atom will repel each other, and get as far apart as possible, in three dimensions.
Hope you have a great day :)
There can be a lot of meanings for isomers. In this case, we are showing the structural isomers of C₇H₁₆. Based on the chemical formula, CₓH₂ₓ₊₂ it is an alkane. They only differ in the positions of methane branches in the parent carbon chain. Basing on the attached picture, the parent carbon chain is pentane for both isomers. But the methyl branches are on the 2nd & 4th, and 2nd & 3rd carbon for 2,4 - dimethylpentane and 2,3 - dimethylpentane, respectively.