Energy can be transferred from one object to another by doing work. ... When work is done, energy is transferred from the agent to the object, which results in a change in the object's motion (more specifically, a change in the object's kinetic energy).
1. I think it's the trails left by an electron as it moves around the nucleus.
2. The atomic number is the number of protons so it is 8.
3. It's mass is lowered but it is still the same element.
Vertical forces:
There is a force of 579N acting upward, and a force of 579N
acting downward.
The vertical forces are balanced ... they add up to zero ...
so there's no vertical acceleration.
Not up, not down.
Horizontal forces:
There is a force of 487N acting to the left, and a force of 632N
acting to the right.
The net horizontal force is
(487-left + 632-right) - (632-right - 487-right) = 145N to the right.
The net force on the car is all to the right.
The car accelerates to the right.