Look at a map or globe. Where are places located? Every place has a "global address" that tells exactly where in the world it's located, just as your home has a street address. There are two numbers in a global address--a number for latitude and one for longitude. If you know these numbers and how to use them, you can find any place in the world and give its absolute location. (For definitions, see the glossary at the end of this booklet.)
Why are things located in particular places and how do these places influence our lives? Location can describe how one place relates to another. For example, the Panama Canal was cut across an extremely narrow strip of land in Central America. It provides a shipping lane between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, eliminating the need for long, dangerous journeys around South America.
<h2><u>hope</u><u> it</u><u> helps</u></h2>
Electrical Capacitance
To find - unit of measure in SI for F
Solution -
The answer is - Electrical Capacitance
Reason -
The farad (symbol: F) is the SI derived unit of electrical capacitance, the ability of a body to store an electrical charge.
Capacitate electrică
Pentru a găsi - unitate de măsură în SI pentru F
Soluție -
Răspunsul este - Capacitate electrică
Motiv -
Farada (simbolul: F) este unitatea de capacitate electrică derivată din SI, capacitatea unui corp de a stoca o sarcină electrică.
Automobiles and Airplanes is what I can think of
Taking as a basis of calculation 100 mol of gas leaving the conversion reactor, draw andcompletely label a flowchart of this process. Then calculate the moles of fresh methanol feed,formaldehyde product solution, recycled methanol, and absorber off-gas, the kg of steamgenerated in the waste-heat boiler, and the kg of cooling water fed to the heat exchangerbetween the waste-heat boiler and the absorber. Finally, calculate the heat (kJ) that must beremoved in the distillation column overhead condenser, assuming that methanol enters as asaturated vapor at 1 atm and leaves as a saturated liquid at the same pressure.