The elastic energy stored in your tendons can contribute up to 35% of your energy needs when running. Sports scientists have stu
died the change in length of the knee extensor tendon in sprinters and nonathletes. They find (on average) that the sprinters tendons stretch 41 mm, while nonathletes' stretch only 33 mm. The spring constant for the tendon is the same for both groups, 33 N/mm. What is the difference in maximum stored energy between the sprinters and the nonathlethes?
Among the choices above, the one
that is most closely related to an activated complex is the transition state. The
answer is letter D. This formation forms quickly and does not stay in a way
compound is. It usually forms during the enzyme – substrate reaction.
The skin in humans ranges from darkest to the lightest color, as a result of genetic makeup, exposure to the sun rays, skin pigmentation may be either due to the evolutionary process of natural selection, and it may be due to the biochemical effects of the UV rays.
As the pigment in the skin of humans is affected by the content of melanin in the body that causes the determination of skins cells of the darker colored humans, and the light skin is determined by the bluish-white tissues under the dermis and the hemoglobin.
The emergence of skin pigments dates back to 1.2 billion years ago. When the harsh climatic conditions drove the early humans into arid and open landscapes. In general, the people living near to equator have darkly pigmented than those living in poles are lightly pigmented.