When the uneven burning of the fuel takes place due to the incorrect air/fuel mixture inside the engine cylinder, a knocking sound is observed. This is called as the engine knocking.
When the uneven burning of the fuel takes place due to the incorrect air/fuel mixture inside the engine cylinder, a knocking sound is observed. This is called as the engine knocking.
The engine knock problem can be caused due to the following reason
a) When the octane rating of the fuel used is low.
b) The deposition of the carbon around the cylinder walls takes place.
c) The spark plug used in the vehicle is not correct.
The process of using magnetic fields to produce voltage.
A. Identify the need, recognize limitations of current toothpaste containers, and then brainstorm ideas on how to improve the existing
To design an improved toothpaste container, we must identify the needs of the customer, one of the major need is to make the container attractive to the sight. This is the first thing that will prompt a customer to wanting to buy the product (The reflectance/appearance).
Then recognize the limitation of the current design, what needed change. This will help in determining what is needed to be included and what should be removed based on identified customers need.
The last step is to brainstorm ideas on how to improve the existing designs. Get ideas from other colleagues because there is a saying that two heads are better than one. This will help in coming to a reasonable conclusion on the new design after taking careful consideration of people's opinion.
The Pareto principle is that most things in our life are not commonly distributed.
Pareto chart shows that most of the things which we have in our life and the resources in our life are not equally distributed. The ratio is not always 50:50 according to this principle.
The most important use of a Pareto diagram is to show the most important factor among the set of factors that have been shown. Along with that it also shows the sources which lead to the common defects in the system and tries to solve those defects which occur most often.
The answer is choice C
As during construction ,the site is cleared for all debris before laying out the foundation. Even the sewer lines are dug out .
So it will be useful for the construction crews to connect the pipes to the sewer lines before the foundation is poured.
But usually the steps take in construction activity is:- first the site is cleared for the foundation to be poured and once the foundation wall is set , then all utilities , including plumbing and electrical activities are done.,
After this process is over, the city inspector comes to check whether the foundation has been laid down as per the code of construction.
Only after that the rest of the construction activity follows through.