Beryllium has two inner shell electrons
There are 60 seconds in one minute
565900 / 60 = 9431.667 minutes in 565,900 seconds
There are 60 minutes in an hour
9431.667 minutes / 60 = 157.9144 hours in 565900 seconds
There are 24 hours in 1 day
157.9144 hours / 24 hours = 6.5498 days.
All the charges of the protons are cancelled out by all the charges on the electrons.
A hydrocarbon with three or more consecutive (cumulative) double bonds is known as a cumulene. They are analogous to allenes, only exhibiting a more elongated chain. The basic molecule in this category is butatriene, which is also simply known as cumulene.
In the structure of a cumulene, there are 3 double bonds and 4 single bonds. The double bond comprises 1 sigma bond, and 1 pi bond and 4 hydrogen bond produces a sigma bond with carbon. Thus, the molecule of cumulene comprises 7 sigma bonds and 3 pi bonds.
The MOLARITY of a solution tells how many moles of solute are present per liter
Molarity is a sort of concentration.
It is written as M (mol/L)