Answer: The keywords to input into the blank spaces were omitted which are ; fragments, increases, decreases, opaque, raises, molecular, protostar, gravitational, thermal.
Please find the answers for the blank spaces in the explanation column
1. The first stage of stellar formation is the assembly (or formation) of a_PROTOSTAR______ . 2. Stars form in MOLECULAR clouds. 3. When a cloud collapses, it FRAGMENTS into smaller and smaller pieces till those pieces reach stellar masses. 4. As the density increases, the fragments become_OPAQUE______ , which___RAISES_____ the temperature of the cloud and inhibits further fragmentation. 5. The __FRAGMENTS_____then condense into rotating globs of gas that serve as stellar embryos. 6. During this stage the surface temperature INCREASES_______ and luminosity__INCREASES_______ despite decreasing size. 7. The central temperature and pressure increase as the GRAVITATIONAL potential energy is converted to energy due to THERMAL contraction.
The above describes the evolution or formation of stars which begins with the collapse of a molecular cloud by gravitational force, this collapse cause the molecular cloud to fragment with the release of heat --Gravitation potential energy causing an increased temperature and pressure of the newly condensing fragment with increasing luminosity known as a Protostar.