20 mins
To go 90 km it takes =60 mins(1 hr)
" " 1 km it takes =60/90 mins
" " 30 km it takes =60/90 multiplied by 30
= 20 mins
Principle Archimedes is applied in building a ship and submarine using the manipulating that buoyancy, is controlled the ballast tank system.
Submarine is rather had they focused on main parts of the submarine,he is complex and long process implementation,the most submarine design like submarine stability.
Submarine stability is complete and the fundamental Archimedes principle to arrive the weight of submarine is equal to buoyancy force.
Submarine into the parts and components of ballast tank the sequence in diving and surfacing,there two vital parts:- flood parts and air vents
flood parts:- at the bottom position and allow water to enter or leave that tank.
air vents:- air vents at the top of the pressure hall,and that they submarine dive.
this time submarine is most modern system is depth is 300 to 450 meters,high pressure air is 15 bar is tank air valve.
submarine is basic of the effective volume of all the submarine surfaced condition,submarine minus to the free water flood is equal to the fully pressure hull,submarine is the surfaced condition.

Thrust is known as a reaction force which appears when a system expels or accelerates mass in one specific direction. If we know the acceleration and the mass of the air expelled by the jet engine, we can compute the thrust
The acceleration is calculated by using the dynamics formula

The values are

The thrust is

cause bacteria prefers moist and damp environment