Relatively hot objects emit visible light.
Some examples:
==> the wire coils in the toaster;
==> the spoon that you stuck in the flame on the stove;
==> the fine wire in the lightbulb when current goes through it.
VERY radioactive objects also do that. But if you're actually
standing there watching an object that's THAT radioactive,
then you're in big trouble.
The impulse is given by the magnitude of the force times the time interval:

We can see that the force F of the 4 skateboard is always the same (33 N), this means that the skateboard with greatest impulse is the one with the largest time interval, so skateboard C).
Fg is an abbreviation used in physics to describe the amount of force exerted by gravity on an object, normally represented in units such as the newton.
A gas giant is a huge planet made of gases primarily hydrogen and helium. These gas giant planets include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
The goal of physics is to understand how things work from first principles. ... Courses in physics reveal the mathematical beauty of the universe at scales ranging from subatomic to cosmological. Studying physics strengthens quantitative reasoning and problem solving skills that are valuable in areas beyond physics