Scenario A, B and E is True.
Scenario A) True. Removing carbon dioxide from atmosphere decreases greenhouse effect of atmosphere. Thus, temperature rise decreases.
Scenario B) True. The more evaporation creates the more greenhouse effect. Therefore, temperature rise increases.
Scenario C) False. Removing carbon dioxide from atmosphere decreases greenhouse effect of atmosphere. Thus, temperature rise decreases.
Scenario D) False. The more evaporation creates the more greenhouse effect. Therefore, temperature rise increases.
Scenario E) True. If reflected radiation increases from Earth, temperature rise of the Earth will decrease. Ice cover increases reflectivity which leads temperature level decrease.
Scenario F) False. If reflected radiation increases from Earth, temperature rise of the Earth will decrease. Ice cover increases reflectivity which leads temperature level decrease.
4 times as much distance to stop
Answer: C. Metals are found on the left side of the periodic table.
The periodic table contains vertical columns called as groups and horizontal rows called as periods.
Period 2 contains 8 elements which are lithium, beryllium , boron , carbon, nitrogen, oxygen , fluorine and neon. Only Lithium and beryllium are metals.
Group 18 contains all the noble gases which are all non metals.
Metals are the elements which loose electrons easily and form positive ions. Non-metals are the elements which can gain electrons easily and form negative ions.
Metals are present on left side of the periodic table and as we move to right side of the periodic table , the metallic character decreases and thus non metals are found on the right side of the periodic table.