Having your space clean. have on close toed shoes. have your hair pulled back into a ponytail. keep ur work space clean. wear gloves and goggles. do not have on droopy clothes. follow the steps on the board and double check them.
E = 0 r <R₁
If we use Gauss's law
Ф = ∫ E. dA =
/ ε₀
in this case the charge is distributed throughout the spherical shell and as we are asked for the field for a radius smaller than the radius of the spherical shell, therefore, THERE ARE NO CHARGES INSIDE this surface.
Consequently by Gauss's law the electric field is ZERO
E = 0 r <R₁
The momentum of ball is given by:
Since both have the same momentum, we have:
Number 3If you notice any mistake in my english, please let me know, because i am not native.