"Celestial" = anything to do with the sky
("Cielo" ..... Spanish for "sky"
"Ceiling" ... that thing up over your head
"Caelum" .. Latin for "heaven")
"Terrestrial" = anything to do with the Earth
("Terra" ... Latin for "Earth")
psychology has to do with the mind and brain while social science has to do with the scientific study if human relationships
Simple machines could be used to reduce effort or extend the ability of people to perform tasks beyond their normal capabilities.
Examples include pulley, lever, and incline plane
Answer and explanation;
-The cause of convention currents in a hot spring is rainwater and melted snow is cool and denser and sinks to the bottom of the hot spring where it is heated by a shallow magma chamber. The heated water expands and is less dense and rises to the top.
-Convention Current is the movement of fluid caused by the differences in temperature. Transference of heat from one part of a fluid to another.
-Lighter (less dense), warm material rises while heavier (more dense) cool material sinks. It is this movement that creates circulation patterns known as convection currents in the atmosphere, in water, and in the mantle of Earth. In the atmosphere, as air warms it rises, allowing cooler air to flow in underneath.