Shadows are formed when an opaque object or an object that doesn't allow light to pass through is in the way or infront of etc. a source of light.
No because there must be an even # if their is an even amount one of the forces isn’t being cancelled
1. The benefits of been assertive include the following:
a. It improve one self image: When you choose to be assertive, you adopt a self realistic image.
b. It enhance how we understand others: Been assertive helps you to see others in a more realistic context.
c. Promote self awareness and self confidence: Been assertive helps you to develop a greater respect for your own points of view when dealing with issues.
d. Been assertive is a less stressful way of communicating.
2. The three steps needed to develop assertive communication, include:
a. Learn to 'no' more often: refuse to please everyone and do not behave according to people expectations of you. Be yourself.
b. Your tone must be properly turned when talking: Do not raise your voice or rush a communication. Be calm and cool when talking.
c. Be open to communication: Be willing to discuss issues until a suitable solution is found.
d. Pay attention to non-verbal communication of others: Keep eye contact when communicating and pay attention to other body gestures.