Speed ; the rate at which someone or something is able to move or operate.
Motion; the action or process of moving or being moved
Polymers are extensively used innovative materials, which are originated nearly in each material used in our daily life. Polymers, a big class of resources, comprise of many small particles called monomers that are related composed to form long shackles and are used in a lot of products and goods that we use in daily life. The polymer named Polyethylene is used in plastic bags and film wraps. Polyvinyl Chloride ( PVC) is castoff in siding, pipes, flooring determinations. The synthetic polymer Polystyrene is used in cabinets, petri dishes, CD cases, plastic cutlery and in packaging. Polyvinyl acetate is used in adhesives and latex paints.
Los metaloides serían los elementos con propiedades intermedias. No existe una definición estandarizada de elemento metaloide ni un consenso completo sobre los elementos que son metaloides. A pesar de la falta de especificidad en el término, es muy utilizado en los textos químicos, tanto educativos como divulgativos o de investigación.
The correct answer is (C) in through the pores and out through the osculum