1s*2 2s*2 2p*6
atomic number of neon is 10 so the s-shell contains 2 electron and p-shell contains 6
GEORGEOCTOBER 18, 2012Floor Wax is Harmful to the Environment
Floor wax is applied on floor surfaces to make it scuff-resistant, water-resistant, slip resistant and glossy. It provides a thin, protective and hard surface layer when applied to flooring. Conventional floor wax has five main ingredients and each one of them has detrimental effects on the environment, not to mention the chemical waste created by the continuous upkeep required. The cumulative effects of these ingredients on the environmental render their harmful actions more potent and difficult to reverse.
Using hydrogen and Lindlar catalyst the triple bond will be hydrogenated to a double one with a cis conformation.
C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2 → 6 C O2 + 6 H2 O + energy