There are 0.25 kilometers in 250 meters
Functional group
Functional group is specific group of atom or bond associated to an organic compound that determines the chemical properties of that compound. This atom is bonded in a certain way or specific arrangement to give the compound a peculiar physical and chemical characteristics.
Functional group like the alkyl group -CH3 is found in organic compound series like the alkane family. The chemical properties specific to the alkyl group will be active in the compound of alkane family because of the presence of the functional group Alkyl(-CH3). The functional group also plays a major role in the chemical reactivity of the compound. For example the functional group of alkyl are often non reactive, this non reactive nature will definitely rub off on the chemical properties of the compound it is attached.
Functional group like -OH is usually found in Alcohol . Due to the presence of this functional group (-OH) alcohol possess a peculiar chemical properties. The compounds possess an hydrogen bond which invariably lead to the higher boiling points of the alcohol compounds. Other functional group can be bonds like double bond found in alkene compound or triple bond found in alkyne compound.
Surface area at the narrow end, A1 = 5.00 cm2
Force applied at the narrow end, F1 = 81.0 N
Surface area at the wide end, A2 = 725 cm2
<u>To determine:</u>
Force F2 applied at the wide end
Use the relation
F1/A1 = F2/A2
F2 = F1*A2/A1 = 81.0 N * 725 cm2/5.00 cm2 = 11,745 N
Ans: (b)
The force applied at the wide end = 11,745 N
Components of the Skeletal System. The skeletal system is composed of four main fibrous and mineralized connective tissues : bones, ligaments, tendons, and joints. Bone: A rigid form of connective tissue that is part of the skeletal system of vertebrates and is composed principally of calcium.