Well, since you only want direction, ignore the numbers. Use the right hand rule.
Current (pointer finger) points west (left).
Magnetic field (middle finger) points south (towards you).
Force (thumb) then points up (away from the earth)
This can be seen as a trick question because heat engines can typically never be 100 percent efficient. This is due to the presence of inefficiencies such as friction and heat loss to the environment. Even the best heat engines can only go up to around 50% efficiency.
Thinner at edges and its thick in the middle
The distance of Earth from the Sun is and of Mars from the Sun is . Let assume that both planets have circular orbits. The centripetal accelaration can be found by using the following expression:
Since planet has translation at constant speed, this formula is applied to compute corresponding speeds:
Now, centripetal accelarations can be found:
The ratio of Earth's centripetal acceleration to Mars's centripetal acceleration is:
A and B i think is the answer