The contact force is indeed caused by "Contact".
Air resistance is basically a type of friction, which is apparently present providing two object contact.
The rest selections are all interaction force, which is not necessarily caused by contact.
Force: Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement.
I think that by "Classical physics" is meant low speed things. By low speed, I think is meant speed far below very roughly half the speed of light, so that Relativistic, special or general, effects can be ignored. Or at least it is hoped that they can be ignored.
Fire extinguishers and rockets get propelled by forcing out large amounts of material (gases under very high pressure) through a nozzle, and the RECOIL from that propels something forward. So, if the action is the ejection of material, the reaction (recoil) is the ejector moving along the same line in the other direction. And that's an example of Newton's third law.
Given a propulsion system, the magnitude of the force recoiling on the ejector will change the momentum of the ejector, often written as the equation F=ma where F is the force, m is the mass being accelerated, and a being the acceleration.
Just as something will stay still until it is moved - inertia - so once set in uniform motion in a straight line, the thing will continue in that motion, theoretically for ever or until something alters its momentum. Newton's first law is to the effect of "every body continues in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless acted on by a resultant external force". Which, I think, is where the concept of inertia stems from.
I think that the above mostly tcuches on the 3 laws.Any more help needed, please ask.
Answer: Option 2
Option 1 is wrong because there are 2 protons and 2 neutrons in nucleus.
Option 3 is wrong because there are two electrons moving around nucleus.
Option 4 is wrong because electrons are negatively charged and are moving around the nucleus.
Option 5 is wrong because there equal amount of protons and electrons with 2 each.
m = Massa balok
g = Percepatan gravitasi
= Sudut kemiringan
= Koefisien gesekan statik antara balok dan bidang miring
Gaya balok karena beratnya diberikan oleh
Gaya gesekan diberikan oleh
Kondisi dimana balok mulai bergerak adalah ketika gaya balok akibat beratnya sama dengan gaya gesek pada balok.
Koefisien gesekan statik antara balok dan bidang miring adalah 0.84.