Half-life is defined as the amount of time it takes a given quantity to decrease to half of its initial value. The equation to describe the decay is

where N0 is the initial quantity, Nt is the remaining quantity after time t, t1/2 is the half-time. So work out the equation, t1/2 = t (-ln2)/ln(Nt/N0) = 11.5*(-ln2)/ln(12.5/100) = 3.83 days
Basic facts about sex and reproduction, as told to a child
All the numbers in a chemical formula are significant, It is because the numbers in a chemical formula denote the number of different atoms present in the particular compound.
For example in H2SO4 there are 2 H 1 S and 4 O. This means 1 H2SO4 has 2 hydrogen 1 sulphur and 4 oxygen.
Always use this method !!! always