Hey there!
To find the density of an object, you must use this formula:
Knowing that your mass is 128.3741, the only information you need left would be to find the volume of the cube.
Because the side length of the cube is given, you can multiply the length three times in order to find its volume:
Now that you have your volume and mass, divide the mass by the volume to find the density:
Therefore, your density would be 65.7275392 grams per inches cubed.
Kapilari lebih kecil dan paling banyak saluran darah, mereka membentuk sambungan antara vesel yang membawa darah dari pendengaran (arteri) dan vesel yang mengembalikan darah ke jantung (urat)
Fungsi utama kapilari ialah pertukaran bahan antara sel darah dan tisu.
Veins membawa darah ke arah jantung; selepas ia melewati kapilari dan masuk melalui urat terkecil (venules).
Arteri membawa darah dari jantung; arteri sistemik mengangkut darah oksigen dari ventrikel kiri ke tisu badan.
(translated version)
Why blood capillary walls differ from veins and arteries
Capillaries are smaller and the most numerous of the blood vessels, they form the connection between the vessels that carry blood away from the hear (arteries) and the vessels that return the blood to the heart (veins)
The primary function of the capillaries is the exchange of materials between the blood and tissue cells.
Veins carries the blood towards the heart; after it passes through the capillaries and enters through the smallest veins (venules).
Arteries carries blood away from the heart; systemic arteries transport oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to the body tissues.
All of these compounds are made from the element copper. Copper Acetates, Cuprous Oxide, Cupric Oxide (otherwise know as black copper oxide), Cupric Chloride, Copper Oxychloride, Cuprous Chloride, Cupric Nitrate, Copper Cyanide.
Copper is considered an element. You can use copper for Jewelry, Table Tops, Sinks, Dark Chocolate, Leafy Greens, Lobster, Nuts and Seeds, Mushrooms, Oysters, Liver and etc other nutrience. Copper is an easily molded base metal that is often added to precious metals to improve their elasticity, flexibility, hardness, colour, and resistance to corrosion.
2.34 moles titanium x (6.022 x 10^23)/1 mole titanium = 1.41 x 10^24