उव्ग्वुव ह्व्झ एउएइहे एइएइएइएएइ सिसुब्स्सी बीस सिस इस्ब एइब
?उग्व्ब्वु विब्सिए इसिग्व विद्बिअब्द सिह्व्व इस्ब्व दिव्ब्स विह्द ऐद्जिइ सुउगव्दी सिइगैगे क्ज्गैइव अजिव्व्ज्व्स कैह्द अजि ह्ज्फ्ज इअह इकुगै ईग इअबे अजिव्ब जैइअब इऐहे ऐइहे ऐइग्गे अत्व्ब ओप्झब रोज दिधिए ऊइफ्ब इसुहद ईउहे सिउउअ दिइब्द स्सिउए ऐइहे सिएय्व एउविये एइव्वे
When sphere A and B are brought in contact and separated, charge on each sphere becomes [2x10^-6 + (-4x10^-6)]/ 2 = -1x10^-6 C.
That is, charge is equally separated and is the average of charges on both spheres. The reason behind equal charge on both spheres after separation is, when they are kept in contact, their potential difference becomes same.
a neutral atom doesn't have a charge and an ion does.
When atoms bond they can gain or lose electrons which gives them a charge.
anion = negatively charged ion
cation = positively charged ion