In cold winter day, the body temperature falls down from normal temperature of 98.6°F (37°C) to 95°F (35°C). In winter body losses heat faster than it generates heat. If the temperature fall further below 95°F (35°C), it is emergency condition known as Hypothermia. One has to consult doctor in this case.
In summer hot days, body evaporates water in the form of sweat, in order to remain itself cool. Rise of temperature up to 100°F is normal. It is recommended to hydrate body to maintain temperature in summer days.
The force is the same
The force per meter exerted between two wires carrying a current is given by the formula

is the vacuum permeability
is the current in the 1st wire
is the current in the 2nd wire
r is the separation between the wires
In this problem

Substituting, we find the force per unit length on the two wires:

However, the formula is the same for the two wires: this means that the force per meter exerted on the two wires is the same.
The same conclusion comes out from Newton's third law of motion, which states that when an object A exerts a force on an object B, then object B exerts an equal and opposite force on object A (action-reaction). If we apply the law to this situation, we see that the force exerted by wire 1 on wire 2 is the same as the force exerted by wire 2 on wire 1 (however the direction is opposite).
Answer: 1.6Hz
the heat can move through the metal and onto the clothing