See explanation
A frame of reference simply refers to a set of coordinates which is used to determine the position and velocity of objects all the objects found in that particular frame. The person inside the car and standing by the highway are in different frames of reference.
Newtons first law of motion states that an object will continue to be at rest or in a state of uniform velocity until it is acted upon by an external force.
Newtons second law states that rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the impressed force.
Newtons third law states that action and reaction are equal and opposite.
The action of applying brakes leads to an equal reaction of a sudden forward movement. Seat belts help to prevent the occupants of a car from being injured by the sudden stoppage of the car.
Force is simply defined as a push or pull.
Balanced forces do not lead to acceleration of a body but an unbalanced for leads to acceleration of a body.
strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force and gravity
Power is the rate of doing work while week is said to be done when the force applied moves a distance in the direction of the force. Power is defined as work/time.
Soft target by impact and its contribution to indirect bone fractures.
11200kg/12.0= 933.3333kg/m^3
1. When the object is waiting to be released, it is storing a lot of potential energy. When it is released, the potential energy that was once stored is converted into kinetic energy.
Your weight would change but not your mass, the moon has less gravity so therefore you are going to be lighter :-)