Oxidizing agents are defined as the agents which oxidize other substance and itself gets reduced. These agents undergoes reduction reactions.
Reducing agents are defined as the agents which reduces the other substance and itself gets oxidized. These agents undergoes reduction reactions.
When oxidizing agent-A get reduced it changes green to colorless.

When oxidizing agent-B get reduced it changes yellow to colorless.

When oxidizing agent-C get reduced it changes red to colorless.

1) When we added solution C that oxidizing agent-C in solution containing
ions changes from red to yellow:

So, in this C is oxidizing
ion into B which yellow in color.
C is reduced and
ions is oxidized.
are oxidized by C which means that C a better oxidizing agent than B.
2) When a solution of C is mixed with one containing A- ions, the color remains red.
no reaction
As we had observed that no color change was seen on adding substance C to the solution with
ions which indicates that C was unable to oxidize
ions. Hence, not a better oxidizing agent than A