Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium of matter to move through, electromagnetic waves are used in things like your cell phone and telecommunications.
Can you explain this a bit more I don’t quite understand
128 Kelvin = 128 - 273.15 = -145.15 Celsius. Temperature conversion chart Sample temperature conversions 103.55 Kelvin to degrees Fahrenheit 39.82 degrees Fahrenheit to Kelvin
hope this helps have a good day
Volume by Displacement. The displacement method (submersion, or dunking method) can be used to accurately measure the volume of the human body and other oddly shaped objects by measuring the volume of fluid displaced when the object is submerged.
The following precautions should be taken very observantly:-
The line of sight must be perpendicular to measuring scale to avoid parallax error. Formation of bubbles inside the cylinder should be completely avoided. Any bubbles within leads to wrong measurements.