This is false.
Heat rash develops when some of your sweat ducts clog. Instead of evaporating, perspiration gets trapped beneath the skin, causing inflammation and rash. Heat rash is usually self-limited, meaning it resolves on its own without treatment. Over-the-counter treatments such as calamine, hydrocortisone cream, itch preparations (such as Benadryl spray), or sunburn lotions can be used as skincare to treat the itching and burning symptoms. Heat rash usually goes away on its own within three or four days so long as you don't irritate the site further. Heat rash happens when the sweat glands get blocked. The trapped sweat irritates the skin and leads to small bumps.
centrifugal force is a fictitious force. What is happening is that since the earth itself is not a rigid body it will deform when under motion. Although gravity attempts to make the earth spherical, as it is rotating the earth deforms, in such away that it flattens to become an oblique spheroid. This happens as the material at the equator must have a net resultant centripetal force (not centrifugal) which causes its position of equilibrium from the center of the earth to be further away than at the poles as they do not have this force as they are not rotating around the center of mass.
Since Fluorine has 2 electrons in the s orbitals and 5 in the p orbitals of shell number 2, there is a total of 7 valence electrons.
Using the density equation and clearing mass: