Replacement-Level Fertility
Another important population characteristic that differ btw develop nation and developing nations is relates to births is replacement-level fertility. Replacement-level fertility is the fertility rate that will result in the replacement of the parents in the population. Again, in an ideal world, the human replacement-level fertility rate would be exactly two. This would mean that each couple would produce two offspring that would replace them in the population. If this occurred, then the human population would stay at a stable rate
x = 5[km]
We must convert the time from minutes to hours.
We know that speed is defined as the relationship between space and time.
x = space [m]
t = time = 0.5 [h]
v = velocity [m/s]
Now replacing:
The nature of volcanic eruptions is highly dependent on magma viscosity and also on dissolved gas content. ... long it takes the treacle to flow from one end of a boiling tube to the other.
If the newly formed metamorphic rock continues to heat, it can eventually melt and become molten (magma). When the molten rock cools it forms an igneous rock. Metamorphic rocks can form from either sedimentary or igneous rocks.