No they are not the same material because having the same density doesnt mean its the same material also they can have a different density and be the same material
Yes, it is because gravity is a force of attraction to the center of our planet, Earth. If we drop a pencil, the pencil will go on the floor. Gravity is pulling the pencil down.
Long time ago, people saw the constellations as patterns in the sky. They names these patterns and tell stories about them. What people saw laong time ago are just mere patterns which forms animals and shapes. We got the names of our constellations from the Greeks who named the constellations after the mythological heroes and mythological legends.
As you increase the temperature, the matter begins to expand. Due to this, the distance between matter particles decreases and they are no more compact. Hence, density decreases.
Archimedes Principle states that "any body completely or partially submerged in water is acted upon by an upthrust force which is equal to the magnitude of Weight of the body."