Most mercury forms in a sulfide ore called cinnabar, but mercury is also frequently found in small amounts in other ores. A common method for separating mercury from cinnabar is to crush the ore and then heat it in a furnace in order to vaporize the mercury. This vapor is then condensed into liquid mercury form.
The difference between the density of the ocean crust and the continental crust is the fact that the ocean crust is denser than the continental crust. Meaning, the continental crust is likely to push over the oceanic crust considering it has less dense.
I hope this helps, the last time I learned this was in 5th grade and I am i currently in the 11th grade....
A seperation method that would be most successful woth the separation of a salt and water mixture would be evaporation for these reasons, (1) There are no magnetic elements involved with salt nor with water, (2) Observing colour differences would not have much affect on separating the two, and (3) Chromatography is used to separate two liquids, such as speparating two dyes, not salt and water.
The water will evaporate, leaving you with salt as a solid.