1. The benefits of been assertive include the following:
a. It improve one self image: When you choose to be assertive, you adopt a self realistic image.
b. It enhance how we understand others: Been assertive helps you to see others in a more realistic context.
c. Promote self awareness and self confidence: Been assertive helps you to develop a greater respect for your own points of view when dealing with issues.
d. Been assertive is a less stressful way of communicating.
2. The three steps needed to develop assertive communication, include:
a. Learn to 'no' more often: refuse to please everyone and do not behave according to people expectations of you. Be yourself.
b. Your tone must be properly turned when talking: Do not raise your voice or rush a communication. Be calm and cool when talking.
c. Be open to communication: Be willing to discuss issues until a suitable solution is found.
d. Pay attention to non-verbal communication of others: Keep eye contact when communicating and pay attention to other body gestures.
The velocity is 60 because you divide your distance by your time (240÷4=60)
Atomic Size and Mass:
convert given density to kg/m^3 = 8900kg/m^3 2) convert to moles/m^3 (kg/m^3 * mol/kg) = 150847 mol/m^3 (not rounding in my actual calculations) 3) convert to atoms/m^3 (6.022^23 atoms/mol) = 9.084e28 atoms/m^3 4) take the cube root to get the number of atoms per meter, = 4495309334 atoms/m 5) take the reciprocal to get the diameter of an atom, = 2.2245e-10 m/atom 6) find the mass of one atom (kg/mol * mol/atoms) = 9.7974e-26 kg/atom Young's Modulus: Y=(F/A)/(dL/L) 1) F=mg = (45kg)(9.8N/kg) = 441 N 2) A = (0.0018m)^2 = 3.5344e-6 m^2 3) dL = 0.0016m 4) L = 2.44m 5) Y = 1.834e11 N/m^2 Interatomic Spring Stiffness: Ks,i = dY 1) From above, diameter of one atom = 2.2245e-10 m 2) From above, Y = 1.834e11 N/m^2 3) Ks,i = 40.799 N/m (not rounding in my actual calculations) Speed of Sound: v = ωd 1) ω = √(Ks,i / m,a) 2) From above, Ks,i = 40.799 N/m 3) From above, m,a = 9.7974e-26 kg 4) ω=2.0406e13 N/m*kg 5) From above, d=2.2245e-10 m 6) v=ωd = 4539 m/s (not rounding in actual calculations) Time Elapsed: 1) length sound traveled = L+dL = 2.44166 m 2) From above, speed of sound = 4539 m/s 3) T = (L+dL)/v = 0.000537505 s
A and c...............................
To find a general equilibrium point for a spring based on the hook law, it is possible to start from the following premise:
Hook's law is given by:

k= Spring Constant
Change in Length
F = Force
When there is a Mass we have two force acting at the System:
W= mg
Where W is the force product of the weigth. Then the force net can be defined as,

But we have a system in equilibrium, so

We find the equilibrium for any location when