to calcukate average speed it's unimportant what happened on the way, but we need onky to know total distance d total time. so average speed was : 240 km / 4 hours = 60 km/h
is for work it is also repreasent by SI
F = 0.5 mN
The full solved solution is in the attach document.
Convection cell
The convection current refers to the upward rising of the hot molten and less dense magma in the mantle. These currents are formed due to the heat supplied from the core of the earth. This upward movement of magma results in the movement of the lithospheric plates over the less dense viscous layer of the asthenosphere.
As the magma at the greater depth gets heated up, due to the increasing heat and pressure, it gets heated up and rises upward in the form of convection cells. As it rises upward, it cools and slowly moves laterally and eventually sinks after its density increases. This cycle repeats and forms the main mechanism for the plate tectonic movement.