<h3>1. <u>Answer;</u></h3>
a. the strong nuclear force is much greater than the electric force.
- <em><u>For an atom to be stable it means it has enough amount of binding energy to hold its nucleus together permanently. </u></em>
- Therefore, <em><u>an unstable atom lacks enough amount of binding energy to hold its nucleus permanently and thus undergoes decay to achieve stability. Unstable atoms are therefore referred to being radioactive.</u></em>
Small atoms are stable; <u>this is because they have equal number of protons and neutrons and thus the protons and neutrons fill up energy levels while maximizing the strong force binding the nucleus together. </u>
<h3>9.<u> Answer;</u></h3>
b. change into a different element altogether.
Uranium-238 undergoes alpha decay. Therefore, uranium-238 will <em><u>change into a different element altogether</u></em>.
- Unstable atoms undergo radioactive decay in order to achieve stability of their nucleus.
- <em><u>Uranium-238 is an example of such atom, which may undergo decay to achieve stability.</u></em>
- <em><u>Alpha decay is one of the types of decays,</u></em> others being beta decay and gamma decay. <em><u>In alpha decay the radioactive isotope undergoes decay such that its mass number is decreased by four and its atomic number is decreased by two.</u></em>
Therefore, <em><u>Uranium-238 undergoes alpha decay to form a different element whose mass number is 234 and atomic number is 90, known as thorium-234. </u></em>
Elements with three p-electrons....
That would be N, P, As, Sb, and Bi -- elements in group 15
For example, energy diagram showing "empty" orbitals up through the 3p.
.....3p __ __ __
3s __
.....2p __ __ __
2s __
1s __
Energy diagram of phosphorous showing three unpaired electrons in 3p-sublevel
.....3p ↑_ ↑_ ↑_
3s ↑↓
.....2p ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓
2s ↑↓
1s ↑↓
According to Hund's rule, the electrons singly occupy the p-orbitals, and all have the same spin.
Chemical element of atomic number 22, a hard silver-gray metal of the transition series, used in strong, light, corrosion-resistant alloys.<span>These alloys are mainly </span>used<span> in aircraft, spacecraft and missiles because of their low density and ability to withstand extremes of temperature.</span>
1. they work ways faster
2. you don't need 100 people making the same thing at once
3. its a better chance of not getting an injury